Sunday, September 15, 2013

It's been awhile... Let me talk to you about BABIES!

Howdy ho, fellow Omahans.

It's been awhile.  I started this blog back in 2011, about a month before I found out I was expecting my first child.  It was a fantastic distraction from trying to conceive (sorry if that's TMI), then fell off my radar once I started planning for baby's arrival.

Here we are two years later.  I was just looking through some pictures of my little guy from the months after he was born.  I tried to savor that time, but I find I am already forgetting little things... faces, milestones, favorite outfits.

Perhaps I need to start another blog (and actually maintain it--that's the trick) to journal my motherly musings.

16 months, running around like a true toddler

At any rate,  THIS blog is about my experiences in our great city (one of the best in which to raise children--totes why I live here, right?), so allow me to get back at it.

One of my favorite Omaha finds through my journey to parenthood is a little store called Baby Junk in Rockbrook Village.  Specializing in cloth diapering and all things "natural parenting" related, I was drawn to this locally owned oasis of cottony cuteness after attending a "cloth diapering 101" class at my birth center (The Midwife's Place in Bellevue--I will totally post about that sometime) that was facilitated by Baby Junk's owner, Andrea Foley.  She was so friendly and knowledgeable, I had to visit her store.  I created a registry there, joined the "Junkie" discount club, and this first-time mom was hooked!

My little guy is about a year and a half old now, and I'm still using all the diapers and covers I purchased from Baby Junk (if you are expecting and haven't considered cloth, DO.  It's so much cheaper, cuter, and greener than disposables).

Three weeks old in a prefold diaper and Thirsties Duo Wrap

They started me off on the right foot, and now I'm a cloth diapering pro.  If you don't want to be a pro at washing your own kid's gnarly diapers, but you still want to avoid the chemicals and pollutants of disposables, you can also inquire about Baby Junk's sister service, Diaper DuDee, a pickup-laundering-delivery outfit that can wash your "fluff" for a monthly fee.

I love to support local businesses when I can, and this is one of the best.  Stop in and see Andrea or any of the other friendly people at Baby Junk (108th & Center)--many of whom wear their babies while they work--or stop by their Facebook page.  Bring your questions about all things diapering, amber teething necklaces, breastfeeding supplies, baby wearing, and nursery furniture.  They have answers!